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RR - modellbahnhandel : help please!


Hi, firstly apologies for my English: nicht sprechen sie Deutsch...
Now, I want to buy a couple of things off RR- modellbahnhandel. he's on ebay, and says he ships worldwide, which is handy because I'm in Australia.
Problem is: ebay.de won't let me buy or even contact him because he hasn't actually written he will ship to Australia.
I tried the website but the form for an account registration only seems to include EU countries.
I'm in a bit of a bother, and guessing I'm just going to have to give up and just try to keep the old bttb stuff going as best I can.
I'm slowly getting some of the recent tillig items, but it's a rather slow and expensive process.
Any help, cheers. If not, cheers anyway :)
I'll give that a go, thank you!

It worked! He's a good guy: cheers for that: being a GDR tt fan is a lonely existence in Australia :)