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Digital z21 white+DR4088RB


Hi, I work in N scale, but I found a lot of ideas on this forum, and I hope to get help for the following problem: to connect and run a train on the track automatically. that with ETH cable, module DR4088RB R-Bus Opto, pc with Rocrail.I have a layout as per the attached image, I don't understand how to connect the sensor cable S1, S2 ... When I connect as per instructions in the Digikeijs manual, the train works in the piece powered, in the sectioned one no and it seems to be shorted The pc at this stage is not connected, is it right? I am interested in making the train go from block 1 to block 2, stop for a few minutes and then restart, all automatically, is possible and how? I hope for your help.ovale.jpg
Hello Mauy78,
it is simple to connect it the right way.
Please connect the RED-cable direct to both Common Connectors C and C on the 4088rb.
Please connect the Block S1 to S1-4088rb and Block S2 to S2-4088rb.
Please connect the RED-cable also to the inner rail of the right curve.


Hi Ruhri, thanks for the suggestion :), on the weekend I try but I didn't understand if to make the locomotive work I have to connect the PC and also set Rocrail (obviously to automate everything).
Hello Mauy78,
it is a long way, take it step by step.

0. No Loco on the Track, z21 and 4088rb connected with RJ-11-cable
1. Connect z21 to Rail -> Power on z21 -> check for a short (red LED) if OK next step
2. Power Off z21
3. Connect z21 to Common connector C & C on 4088rb -> Power on z21 -> check for a short (red LED) if OK next step
4. Power Off z21
5. Connect S1-4088rb to Block S1 -> Power on z21 -> check for a short (red LED) if OK next step
6. Power Off z21
7. Connect S2-4088rb to Block S2 -> Power on z21 -> check for a short (red LED) if OK next step
8. Power Off z21
9. Connect z21 to right curve -> Power on z21 -> check for a short (red LED) if OK next step
10. Put Loco on the Track -> Power on z21 -> check for a short (red LED) if OK next step
11. Take a test-drive with your Loco, with Multimaus or Loco-Panel on the z21-maintenance-Tool

Hi Ruhri:) I did everything as described in the step by step, I confirm that up to here everything is fine, the loco goes to the powered part and blocks in the isolated one, the sensor signals the presence in the blocking area with the multimaus.Now I tried to configure Rocrail to try from block to block but I can't get it to work :eek:. Do you have any knowledge on the subject? Can you send me a guide? Thank you :)
Hello Mauy78,
first of all some more informations needed.
1. Is rocrail up and running (rocview and rocrail-server)
2. Is the connection between PC and z21 astablished
3. If you klick on Power in rocrail, the z21 LED is switching from blue to blinking blue
4. Is a Workspace configured
5. Is a Plan drawn

Please try youtube and the Undertitel option.
If you click on the * (settings), klick on undertitel in the popup, klick on automtic translation -> select italiano
--> the undertitels now in italiano

@Mauy78 I think you´d better ask that question in the rocrail forum. It is a very active one, indeed. They also have a quite good wiki and a tutorial for beginners online.
There you can upload a so called issue, a logfile from your rocrail plan, operations and server messages and you will get very sophisticated answers matching exactly the problems you have.

Here we have to stab around in the dark and speculate.

Cheers - Chris
Hi thanks for the info, I'll try in the Rocrail forum if I can find info. It was a pleasure thanks again for the tips.:)
